Wednesday, November 18, 2009

"Reports of My Death

"Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated." So goes the famous quote by Mark Twain, and it certainly applies today to one significant portion of the newspaper industry: Local Newspapers; This is told by David Olson, VP of ARanet - PR News. PR Friends: Publicist can take advantage of the need for more content at Local papers. Yes! Pitching to the local papers still matters, since 81% of adults still read a local community newspaper every week, according to the National Newspaper Association. And especially since, with staff decreases, editors are hungry for good content and are looking more now than ever to publicist. Just remember to tailor your messages to complement the papers focus. And consider the dominant emotion for today and trending conversations... Recap: Traditional media is still alive and viable to our clients, and easier than ever to accomplish. Publicity Rocks! Visit: Billie Jordan

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